Thursday, September 29, 2011

Defkalion discussion forum re-opened

Defkalion Green Technologies - the former partner to Andrea Rossi- re-opened their discussion forum on Monday.
According to an administrator post today the reason is coming announcements within the near future.

"Defkalion GT group decited to re-open the forum due to expected announcements within the next weeks. Till then, we appreciate your interest and participation as well as all expressed questions, which are resonable, and they will be answered in due time.
Thank you for your attention."

Monday, September 26, 2011

New test of E-Cat October 6th announced

Today Daniele Passerini reported on his blog the following statement, claimed to be from Brian Josephson;

"I have Received this information from Professor Levi;
On October 6th we will have the opportunity to make a long (more then 12 hours) of testing one of the modules of the RC 1 MW generator. The module will be Opened to us and we will have the opportunity to verify weights and volumes of the internal components.
Heat measurements will be done at condensing the steam produced in heat exchanger and a secondary circuit where no water will be vaporized.
This is NOT an official test of the University of Bologna Because the contract is not active yet."

Andrea Rossi comments on his blog
"Dear Italo:
I confirm
The energy measurements will be made only on the water heated by the reactor’s primary circuit in the heat exchanger that will heat the water using the steam made by the reactor. The steam will be in a closed loop, and will be condensed by the heat exchanger; one thermometer will be put along the water circuit at the input of the heat exchanger and one thermometer will be put at the exit of the heat exchanger, so that the delta T to calculate the energy will be taken only from the liquid water flow of the secondary circuit. This of course will penalize us, because some energy will be lost in the heat exchange, but the energy we produce is so high that we can accept it. The E-Cat will work also in self sustained mode. We have invited selected scientists from Sweden, USA, France, G.B., Germany, Italy, Greece, Japan, Cina, Russia.
Every component of the circuit will be inspected and weighted before the test, and also external measures will be taken of the reactors.
The test will last at least 12 hours. At the end all the components will be again disassembled, weighted, etc.
Measurements will be taken from a specialist expert to accertain that no radiations modify substantially the background radiations of the room.
Warm Regards,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

PESN:Rossi's Home Sacrificed for Cold Fusion E-Cat Launch

"Only several days ago, Andrea Rossi stated on his blog that he had big financial problems. Now he has revealed that these problems are resolved. To acquire the funds to insure the demo of the one megawatt plant takes place as planned, he has sold his house. The personal sacrifices he has made to bring the E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) to the market are becoming heart wrenching."
Continue to Hank Mills blogpost

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ny Teknik: "See the E-cat run in self-sustained mode"

"Just over half an hour without external energy input. Ny Teknik assisted recently in a test where the ‘E-cat’ invented by Andrea Rossi was run in self-sustained mode."
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Ny Teknik: "Here’s Rossi’s one megawatt plant"

"Here it is: the plant that according to inventor Andrea Rossi will produce one megawatt of thermal energy via an unknown reaction in his ‘energy catalyzer’. The plant is now being shipped to the United States."
Continue to article